Waterline Renewal Technologies

Water Conservation Tips for San Francisco Residents

Because of the current drought conditions in San Francisco and other nearby areas, the city is continuing with directives in place to reduce water use and waste. Whether you own or rent, live in a single family house or an apartment building, there are actions you can take to help stretch the limited water supplies; conserve today and save for tomorrow.  Implementing small adjustments in how you use water can be a proactive measure to ensure conservation. There are suggestions to consider which include: running only full loads in the dishwasher and clothes washer. Don’t let the tap or shower run continuously. Compost food scraps instead of running the tap to use the garbage disposal. Collect water while waiting for the shower or bath to heat and use it to water plants, cleaning, and other purposes. Install water-efficient showerheads and aerators, provided free of charge by the Utilities Commission.

The City offers a virtual home tour that estimates your household or apartment’s water use. You can also adjust irrigation schedules and equipment to conserve: avoid day-time watering, overspray and runoff to hardscapes.  As a friendly reminder: no watering sidewalks and hardscapes unless for immediate health and safety needs. Also, remember to keep a shut-off nozzle on hoses. Use a broom or spot clean, using water sparingly.  Residents, did you know that the Water and Sewer Department offers rebates for qualifying purchases of fixtures? If you have a toilet or washer more than 20 years old, it is best to replace it with a water efficient model.

San Francisco, looking for a highly recommended plumber?  Perma-Liner Industries has partnered with the best plumbers in your area to provide you with outstanding service.  We provide only the best referrals for licensed and certified professionals.  Call us or go online to see how we can help.  1-866-336-2568 or www.perma-liner.com